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   日期:2023-12-04     来源:御嘉鑫    作者:御嘉鑫    浏览:382    


Diagnostic laparoscopy was first introduced in 1901, when Kelling, performed a peritoneoscopy in a dog and was called “celioscopy”. A Swedish internist named Jacobaeusc is credited with performing the first diagnostic laparoscopy on human in 1910. He described its application in patients with ascites and for the early diagnosis of malignant lesions.


Kelling also claimed to have performed two successful laparoscopic examinations on humans prior to Jacobaeus, but nonetheless failed to timely publish his experiences.





Laparoscope and fiberoptic light cord.



Nondisposable laparoscopic lens: 0 degree, 5 mm; 25 degree, 5 mm;

 50 degree, 5 mm; 25 degree, 10 mm; and 50 degree, 10 mm.




Camera and light cord.



1 port(套管) and 1 trocar(套管针), 5 mm × 100 mm, separated, then together; port and trocar together and then separated, 11 mm × 100 mm;1 Hasson trocar, 12 mm.


Left to right:

Nondisposable cautery cord(电极线);

instrument pan(器械盒) with 1 applied obturator(套管针) 5 mm × 100 mm;

3 applied cannulas(套管转换器), 5 mm;

1 Verres needle stylet(气腹针);

1 Verres needle, medium;

1 Nezhat dorsal plug;

1 applied obturator 10 mm × 100 mm;

3 applied cannulas(套管), 10 mm.

Bottom, in pan:

2 red port caps;

5 gray port caps;

1 red cap with pinhole;

1 gray cap with 3-mm hole;

1 male Luer-Lok adaptor.(配套的各种封闭帽)


Top to bottom:

A, NezhatDorsey L-shaped cautery with sheath below, (note A below has protective cover); (Nezhat-Dorsey L 形尖端带鞘电凝钩)

B, needle-tip suction, ; 针形尖端吸引管;

C, spatula cautery, ; 铲形尖端电凝钩;

D, spatula suction, ; 铲形尖端吸引管;

E, L-hook cautery, ; L 形尖端电凝钩

F, Marlow knot pusher, ; Marlow 推结器

G, Ranfac knot pusher, ; Ranfac 推结器

H, 10-mm and 5-mm Nezhat-Dorsey suction. (Tips shown below are enlarged.)(Nezhat-Dorsey 吸引管)


Top to bottom:

A, 2 Ligaclip appliers(夹钳);

B, 2 tenaculums(持钩钳), 1 small with cautery(电凝钩), 1 large on nondisposable handle.

Tips of Hunter bowel grasper (Glassman type), 5 mm: A, closed; B, open.(来放大看一下细节)


Top to bottom:

2 Hunter bowel graspers(肠抓钳), 5 mm (Glassman type).

Bottom, left to right:

1 Everest bipolar cord(双极电凝导线);

1 monopolar cord(单极电凝导线).


Tips of most of the instruments in the above rack:

A, 10-mm cup forceps;杯状钳

B, 5-mm grasper with teeth; 有齿抓钳

C, 10-mm grasper with teeth;

D, Olsen clamp; 夹钳

E, double-action grasper; 复动抓钳

F, Hook scissors; 弯钩剪

G, 5-mm Apple needle holder with left curve; 左弯持针器

H, 5-mm Babcock grasping forceps; 抓钳

I, monopolar scissors, 5 mm × 32 mm; 单极剪

J, Maryland dissector.解剖钳




Insufflation tubing and insufflation tubing with battery-operated 

suction/irrigator system.



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